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Office Intrigue (Office Intrigue Duet Book 1) Page 6
Office Intrigue (Office Intrigue Duet Book 1) Read online
Page 6
He nodded again, still watching me intently. “Thank you, Luci.”
“Yes, sir.”
For some strange reason, my legs weren’t as steady as I’d hoped they would be, but I managed to stand without falling over. I felt a nervous flutter in my belly as I walked out. I wasn’t sure if Langston was watching me, but I could practically feel his eyes trailing down my backside.
And the worst part…
I liked it.
At five thirty, I packed up my things, making sure to grab the paperback Langston had loaned me before leaving for the day. Landon had already left, Ben was in Justin’s office with the door closed, and Langston was on the phone, so I didn’t say anything before slipping down the hall.
Jordan was flipping off the lights when I met him by the elevator.
“Well, you made it through the first day.” His smile was as bright as it had been that morning.
“I did.”
His eyes dropped to the book in my hand and I realized I was holding it with the cover facing out.
“Ooh. What do we have here? You smutty girl, you.”
Heat traveled up my chest and engulfed my face. “Langston asked me to read it.”
His grin widened. “I just bet he did.”
It was hard to look him in the eye. “Have you read any of the authors they represent?”
“I have, actually. A few of them, in fact. There’re a couple who write gay romance.” He lifted an eyebrow. “Let’s just say, I don’t mind the sexy times.”
I chuckled, feeling my cheeks heat. I would likely have to get over this embarrassment in order to work here. Especially since it appeared Justin represented the sex toy industry.
We were still waiting for the elevator when I felt the presence of someone behind me. I turned to see Langston heading toward us, his eyes perusing me from head to toe.
Jordan smiled. “Good evening, Mr. Moore.”
“Good evening, Mr. Jenkins.”
Jordan spun back around and winked at me.
There was a sudden charge in the air, one that hadn’t been there before Langston arrived. I wondered if either of them felt it or if it was simply me and my overactive imagination.
When the elevator doors finally opened, Jordan motioned for me to go before him. There were three other people in the elevator already, so it was a smidge crowded. I managed to shift to the side, but then Langston joined us. He moved me so that I was in front of him, the warmth of him against my back.
It took everything in me not to sigh in contentment as I felt him standing there. I had the strange urge to lean into him. As it was, his scent was intoxicating. Spicy and rich, yet not overpowering. The type of aroma that made a woman want to sniff the air like a dog and follow the trail.
On the descent to the main floor, one more person got on, and at that point, I really was pressed almost completely against the sexy man at my back. I could tell Langston was keeping an appropriate distance between us.
I was pretty sure the elevator was moving at a normal speed, but for me it felt as though it was gliding down through molasses, taking its own sweet time.
Finally, the number above the door flashed one and the bell dinged.
On the main floor, several people flooded out before Langston nudged me forward with his hand at the small of my back. My eyes shot up to his face momentarily and he looked down at me. His expression was so intense I inhaled sharply.
He offered me a short nod. “I’m lookin’ forward to seein’ you on Monday, Luci.”
“You, too, sir.” And yes, I sounded breathless, but I couldn’t help it. I was sure I would ridicule myself for it later, but in that moment, it simply happened.
Langston winked, then strode out of the building with a confidence I rarely saw on many people.
“Oh, yum,” Jordan whispered as he came to stand beside me. “He is truly delicious.”
I jerked my attention over to him, hoping he didn’t see the pure lust in my eyes.
Jordan chuckled. “You get used to him. He’s intimidating, sure, but he’s always nice. At least to me.”
We headed for the main doors.
“I’ll see you on Monday, Luci. Have a good night.” With a quick wave, Jordan took off down the sidewalk. I assumed that meant he lived nearby.
I was surprised to find my car was waiting for me out front. I fumbled for my purse, wondering how much was an appropriate tip. Jordan had mentioned that parking was free—one of our topics at lunch—but I wasn’t sure if that pertained to a tip or not.
“Have a wonderful evening, Miss Wagner,” the valet said formally, handing over my keys.
I managed to retrieve my wallet, but before I could get it open, the man shook his head. “No tip necessary. It’s all taken care of.”
Taking my keys, I watched him as I moved toward my car.
I was so lost in this new world I’d found myself in, but I was loving every second.
The only thing that could’ve been better…
Tomorrow wouldn’t be Saturday.
“So, how was it?” Kristen asked when she called shortly after I got home.
“It was great.” Even I noticed there was a little too much enthusiasm in my tone.
“I knew you’d say that. I’m so happy. They’re really good guys, Luce. You’re going to love working there.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m just waiting for them to become a little less hot,” I said as I grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. “It’s not easy being immersed in all that…sex appeal.”
Kristen chuckled. “You’ll get used to it, I’m sure. Just consider it a perk of the job.”
There was a muffled sound and I realized Kristen had covered the phone.
“Okay, yeah. I’ll be right there. Hey, Luce. I’ve gotta run. I just wanted to check in with you.”
“You wanna grab drinks tomorrow night?” I offered.
“Sorry. No can do. I’m working all weekend. Maybe sometime next week.”
The call disconnected and I stared at the phone, then shrugged my shoulders.
I missed hanging out with Kristen. Last night at the bar was the first time we’d been able to hang out in quite some time. Although we generally made it to yoga several times a week, it had been a while since I’d really spent any time with her other than when we were all hot and sweaty. She was always so busy with her job. Evidently, being a sous chef at a renowned restaurant took up a lot of free time.
As I reached for the remote to turn on the television, my gaze fell upon the paperback sitting on the coffee table. I bypassed the TV clicker and grabbed the book before snuggling into the cushions.
“So, tell me, TJ Arlington, just what sort of dirty, wicked stuff am I going to find in your book?”
I didn’t even bother with the book description, launching right into chapter one.
By the time I was turning the page to chapter three, I was enthralled with what was transpiring between the heroine and the sexy dominating man she’d just met. By the time I was on chapter five, I was suddenly grateful tomorrow was Saturday.
Looked as though I’d found a way to pass the time.
“LUCI’S BEEN HERE FOR TWO weeks as of tomorrow,” I prompted when Landon finally joined us in my office.
“Technically, she’s been here two weeks as of Friday,” Langston corrected. “She interviewed two weeks ago tomorrow.”
The man was a stickler for accuracy and sometimes it irked the shit out of me. Today, I decided I could let it go. It was a few minutes before six and the four of us were the only ones still there. Luci and Jordan had left for the day and I figured it was as good a time as any to get a status update on how well our girl was doing.
Our girl.
Yes, I knew how that sounded, but I couldn�
��t help myself. For two weeks, I’d watched her pretty face brighten up the entire office. I loved to hear her laugh, enjoyed watching her smile. I even laughed when she attempted to tell jokes. Which was not her forte, by the way. But it was cute, nonetheless.
“She’s catching on quickly,” Ben said, reclining. “She hasn’t asked a single question twice.”
“Remember the one who asked you to type up notes for her?” Landon chuckled.
Ben groaned. “She was serious. When I told her I wouldn’t, she told me she couldn’t work here because we weren’t providing the tools necessary to do the job.”
Oh, Lord. I remembered that woman. I’d been hesitant to hire her, but Landon and Ben had encouraged me to fall in line. Needless to say, I had enjoyed my I told you so moment.
“Thankfully, Luci’s not that demanding,” Ben added. “I’ve caught her taking notes on things she’s worried she won’t remember. I’m rather impressed.”
“I’ve received several emails from my managers,” Landon offered. “They’re extremely happy with her. According to them, she’s more than willing to help them out. Which is more than we can say for the last couple who’ve stayed longer than a week.”
That was true. For whatever reason, until Luci, we had yet to find many secretaries who could mesh well with the managers in the field. There had been one, but she had flirted ruthlessly, making a couple of them uncomfortable. Most of the women we had hired seemed to think that their only job was supporting the four of us. And in a way, that was true; however, in order to support us, they had to support those who worked for us, too.
“Are we ready to present the requirements?” Langston asked, always the one to get right down to business.
I instantly shook my head. “Although I sense she’s taken a liking to us, I’m not ready to do that just yet. I want her to get more comfortable here. Less chance of freaking her out.”
“She’s extremely flirtatious,” Ben said, crossing one ankle over the opposite knee. I could tell he was regarding me, likely trying to figure out how I felt about the girl. “But not in an overly aggressive way.”
“I don’t think there’s anything aggressive about that girl,” Langston said.
I nodded my head while I unabashedly admired Ben, making sure he saw me doing it. Ben and I had been getting closer as the days passed. For about a year now, we’d begun openly seeing one another outside of the club. Initially, I’d kept all of our interactions in public for fear I would get too close to him.
However, I hadn’t been lying when I told Luci that I wasn’t dating anyone. That wasn’t the right word for what Ben and I had going on. Not in my opinion, anyway.
Regardless, I’d gotten close to him. It was one of those things, I figured. It was going to happen, no matter how hard I tried to do the opposite. And I was getting too damned old to pretend otherwise.
“I noticed that,” Landon added, his crude gaze darting from one man to another. “And she shows no favoritism.”
“Which is a plus,” Langston tacked on.
I knew Langston had a thing for Luci. I’d known it the moment I saw him look at her. There was something distinctly innocent about her and that was exactly what Langston was looking for. He and Landon both. They wanted a submissive who they could share permanently. The same as Ben and me. Although I was Ben’s Dom, my pup was a switch and he was looking for a submissive that we could both top, while still giving me the freedom to top him whenever I felt like it.
The truth was, Landon, Langston, Ben, and I wanted someone we could share in the office. A woman we could get to know on a more intimate level yet still maintain a certain sense of professionalism.
Although Luci seemed like the perfect candidate for that position, I feared we were all going to want more from her. I saw the way Landon looked at her, too. He was enthralled, but I couldn’t very well blame him.
“What I want to know is where she comes up with these outfits,” Landon said, chuckling. “The girl makes me hard just looking at her.”
I smiled. I knew the feeling well.
“I like that she rarely wears pants,” Ben said, his perfect teeth flashing as he grinned. “It definitely spurs my imagination.”
We were unquestionably getting off topic here, so I decided to bring it back around. “I think we continue on the way that we are. If any issues arise, we’ll discuss them one off. However, we’ll move forward as we have been. At the one-month mark, or close to, we’ll implement the Monday meetings and see where it goes from there.”
My three partners all agreed.
And it had me wondering just how long we would continue to be in agreement.
Luciana Wagner was a woman I didn’t think any of us were prepared for.
Didn’t mean we weren’t going to see where it led.
“IS IT JUST ME, OR do you appear to be running out of the building?” Jordan teased when I made my way to the elevator right at five thirty on Thursday.
I smiled as he joined me. “I don’t run. Ever.”
“Not in those heels,” he teased.
I laughed. “No, not ever. It would likely take a zombie apocalypse to get me to jog, much less run.”
We were both chuckling when someone cleared their throat behind us. I peered over my shoulder to see Landon making his way toward us. Apparently, he was heading out, too.
Funny, for the past couple of weeks, it seemed that at least one of my bosses left at the same time I did.
“What about now?” Jordan chuckled, his voice low enough I heard him.
I cut my eyes to his face and widened them, silently urging him to be quiet.
“So, what’s the big rush tonight?” he continued, as though I hadn’t willed him to shut up.
I sighed. “I…I kinda have a date.”
“Oh, do tell.” It was as though my words supercharged his excitement and his eyes sparkled.
“Nothing fancy. There’s this guy in my yoga class. He’s asked me out at least three times. I finally gave in.”
“How romantic.” His tone said he thought it was quite the opposite.
“I didn’t want to. But he’s relentless. I figured I’d say yes to shut him up. We agreed to meet at a restaurant near the yoga studio. Super casual.”
Jordan’s gaze slid over me as the door to the elevator opened. “Are you wearing that?”
He didn’t sound as though that was a bad thing.
“Actually, yes. It was either this or yoga pants.”
My newfound friend chuckled. “Going all out, are you?”
I honestly didn’t want to be going on this date, but Will—the guy in my class—wouldn’t stop pestering me about it. He was a nice guy and all, even kind of cute, but certainly not my type. For one, I wasn’t the only one he’d hit on. However, it was possible I was the only one who had accepted.
“I’m trying not to be rude,” I told him, shifting over so that Landon could stand beside me. “I figure we’ll have dinner, and he’ll realize I’m totally not his type.”
“But what if you are?” Jordan’s eyes were wide.
“Trust me, I’m not. He just doesn’t do it for me.”
“So,” Jordan’s voice was a little softer. “What does do it for you?”
I giggled shyly, then my eyes flew up to Landon’s face.
He does it for me.
Oh, thank God I didn’t say that out loud.
However, based on the gleam in Landon’s pretty eyes, I think he read my mind. A small smirk tilted his sexy mouth and I had to look away.
“Not into the bendy types, huh?” Jordan asked, continuing to carry the conversation.
“It’s not that,” I admitted, fighting the urge to look up at Landon. “I prefer guys who are a little more…sure of themselves but not stuck up. Will looks down his nose when he talks to people. Total turnoff.”
“I know exactly what you mean.”
“When he asked me out, he actually told me what he wanted me to do.” I lo
wered my voice to imitate him. “‘So, Luci, I’m going to ask you out and you’re going to say yes, then we’ll have a good time.’” I shivered because it still made me a little queasy.
“Seriously?” Jordan barked a laugh.
“Yes. Exactly like that. Not in the way a girl wants to hear. I mean, I could totally get behind a dominant man, but this… It was just icky.” Not at all the way it was depicted in books.
I had absolutely no idea why I was sharing all this information with Jordan. Then again, he and I had established a friendship in the two weeks I’d been working there. On the other hand, perhaps my inner hussy was doing it for Landon’s benefit.
Whatever the reason, I was grateful when the elevator reached the main floor.
“Well, have fun on the date,” Jordan said as we stepped out of the elevator together. “I look forward to getting the details in the morning.”
“I hope you like tragic endings,” I said playfully.
Although I really wasn’t joking.
I met Will at a small café near the yoga studio right at six. Okay, maybe a few minutes after, but I’d done the best I could considering the traffic. He was waiting out front for me when I arrived, pacing back and forth as though he didn’t think I would make it.
I walked right up to him. “Will?”
He smiled, eyeing me from head to toe in a way that sort of creeped me out. “You look…breathtaking.”
Now, I knew it was a line because I hadn’t bothered to change clothes from work. After the long day, I felt a little frumpy. I hadn’t even bothered to freshen up my makeup. However, I probably looked significantly better than if I’d been wearing my sweaty yoga clothes.
“Thank you.” I glanced at the door.
Will stepped back and motioned for me to go ahead. It only took a second for me to realize he wasn’t going to open the door for me, so I did it myself, then headed inside. Being that it was Thursday night, the place wasn’t packed, so it was easy to find a table, which Will did, by moving in front of me and leading the way.
I usually enjoyed this place because they had great food and it always smelled like chocolate pie, which happened to be one of my vices. Unfortunately, whatever cologne Will was wearing overpowered any other smell in the room. It was enough to make my sinuses throb, but I pretended not to notice. Granted, a couple of other patrons glanced our way as Will’s scent wafted by them. Apparently, they couldn’t pretend the way that I could.