Office Intrigue (Office Intrigue Duet Book 1) Read online

Page 32

  Master was the next to arrive and I immediately offered him coffee and then delivered it while he was removing his suit jacket and rolling up his sleeves.

  “Thank you, pet.”

  “You’re very welcome, Master.”

  Calling him Master was now second nature. In fact, the name suited him. I never even thought of him as Langston much anymore. Sure, I was mindful of our audience before I said anything. When his team members were around, I was diligent in referring to him as Langston or Mr. Moore.

  As I was turning to leave, he called me back.

  “Yes, Master?”

  “Please remove your clothes for the remainder of the day.”

  I didn’t even bat an eyelash when I said, “If it pleases you, Master.”

  I could see the approval in his eyes and I went to work removing my clothing in front of him. I neatly folded each item and placed them on the chair. When I was completely naked, I picked them up to carry them to my desk.

  “You may leave them there, pet.”

  “Thank you, Master.”

  “We’ll be attending a dinner tonight,” he continued, “with one of my authors. It’s a small gathering to celebrate the release of his next book.”

  “Yes, Master. I’ll add that to your calendar. And by we, I assume you mean Landon will be attending with you.”

  “No, pet,” he said with a smirk. “You will be attending with me.”

  My stomach fluttered at the idea of going to such an event with Master. Sure, I’d gone to dinner with him and Landon, but that had been a long time ago and things between us had changed drastically since. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to act.

  “Don’t worry, little one. I’ll provide you with instructions prior to our arrival. I’ll pick you up at your apartment at seven, but you’ll need to prepare an overnight bag. You’ll be staying with me tonight.”

  I swallowed hard. “Yes, Master.”

  The idea of spending the night with him gave me chills. The kind that tingled from my scalp to my toes and made my belly flutter with anticipation. It felt like a step in the right direction, as though maybe he was accepting me as his. I wasn’t going to get my hopes up, but… Oh, who was I kidding? I was totally getting my hopes up.

  Realizing he was finished speaking to me, I left his office and went right to my desk. When I passed Justin’s office, I noticed his door was open and Ben was walking out.

  His gaze roamed over me approvingly. “Lovely way to start the day,” he said with a smile.

  I wasn’t sure if he meant because he was seeing me naked or because of what Justin had just done to him behind closed doors. Not that it mattered. I offered him coffee, which he accepted.

  After delivering Ben’s coffee, I went back to my desk and got to work. There was an email from Mr. Daniels asking me to provide feedback about the new toy he had demonstrated a couple of weeks ago. I quickly replied that I would have it to him by the end of the day, then got to work writing something I hoped would be impressive.

  A short time later, Master asked me to join him in his office.

  I instantly noticed the pillow beside his chair, so I went over and knelt beside his desk. He finished typing before turning his chair and retrieving something from the bookshelf behind him. He then swiveled to face me.

  “Spread your knees apart,” he instructed.

  I shifted, widening them.

  “Place your hands on your thighs, palms up, straighten your spine, and lift your chest.”

  His instructions basically changed my entire position. It felt as though I was offering myself up to him.

  “That’s the way you will kneel going forward. You’ll also keep your eyes downturned. But not now.”

  I nodded.

  “I have a client who has asked me to provide her with some feedback on her latest manuscript. It has yet to be published and she’s having concerns about a couple of scenes.”

  I kept my eyes on his face as he spoke, unsure what this had to do with me.

  “I’d like for you to read it and tell me what you think.”

  I frowned. “Okay, Master.”

  He held the bound papers out for me. I glanced down and noticed the title: Her Total Submission.

  “Is this fictional, Master?” I assumed it was, but I asked anyway.

  “It is. She’s renowned in her genre and it’s because she’s very particular about her scenes.”

  I met his gaze again. “I’d be honored to read it.”

  “I’ll give you until we return from the holiday. Then I’ll plan to have you act out the two scenes in question to ensure feasibility. After that, you can provide detailed feedback that I will pass along to her.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “That’s all for now, pet.”

  Part of me wished that Master would’ve asked for something more from me—because I longed for his touch—but he didn’t and I didn’t linger in his office. I knew he had a plan for me, and I trusted that he knew what was best. It seemed with every passing minute, every new day, I trusted him more, seeking his guidance. I had no idea how the transformation had happened, but I wasn’t questioning it either.

  Ever since he had asked me to research BDSM, I found myself craving more details. I’d read everything I could possibly find, including numerous blogs written by both Dominants and submissives. I was versed enough now that I could tell the difference between an experienced Dominant and a wanna-be. It wasn’t like there was a subtle difference. A true Dominant did not glorify himself the way a wanna-be did and he had a distinct way of articulating. I found it fascinating.

  And truthfully, the information I had stumbled upon was informative. I found an online community dedicated to the lifestyle. I joined so that I could get a better understanding of the various relationships. In fact, last weekend, I found myself reading a conversation regarding a bratty submissive. It seemed the submissive had boasted about her interactions with her master and how she’d been able to garner his attention by acting out.

  It seemed there was a difference when it came to brats. They were a real thing, I learned. Some Doms appreciated having a bratty submissive because they kept things lively, but their reasons for being a brat didn’t come from seeking attention in a negative manner. It took me a while to understand the difference.

  This particular submissive’s actions, as well as her pride in them, had seemed rather childish to me, but I’d read all the comments. Most of them were from Dominants stating that her behavior was uncalled for and that she needed to step back and take a mental review of her life. They had stated that if she had to act out in order to get attention, then she was obviously missing something in her life or in her relationship. They had suggested she have a conversation with her master.

  It was fascinating to see the interactions and to witness the care and devotion that were the underlying strength of this community. It seemed because of the negative connotation that was placed on the D/s relationship by people who didn’t understand the true dynamic, there were both submissives and Dominants who went into it for the wrong reasons. Those who were truly dedicated to the lifestyle were focused on teaching and sharing best practices.

  The fact that I had no preconceived notions made me thirst for more information. Plus, I had an ulterior motive.

  I wanted to please my bosses.


  Master arrived at my apartment promptly at seven o’clock. Before I left the office, he had handed me a wrapped box, with the instruction that I was not to open it until I got home.

  I somehow managed to make the drive without defying his instruction. But the moment I stepped inside my apartment, I tore into the package. Inside the box was one of the sexiest little black dresses I’d ever seen and a black lace thong. Because of the backless, spaghetti-strap design of the simple silk dress, I wasn’t able to wear a bra. That wasn’t a terrible inconvenience, because my breasts weren’t all that big to begin with.

  Knowing I didn’t have much tim
e, I managed to shower, then dried my hair and worked it into a sexy updo, leaving some strands hanging around my face and curling them for effect. I opted for my favorite strappy black heels.

  And the moment Master’s eyes slid over me, I knew he liked what he saw.

  “You look stunning, pet,” he whispered when he greeted me, his hand cupping my cheek. “You’re lucky I don’t strip that off you and ravish you right here on your table.”

  I forced a smile and kept from blurting out that I’d be more than happy for him to do that.

  “Do you have a coat?”

  Crap. I hadn’t been thinking about the fact that it was cold outside and what I was wearing certainly wasn’t appropriate for the weather. I mentally ran through all the clothes in my closet and smiled.

  “I do have one. I’ll be right back.”

  I returned a minute later with the faux-fur black wrap that I’d bought on sale a couple of years back. I liked the way it looked on me although I hadn’t had the opportunity to wear it. Until now.

  “Very nice,” he said as he placed it over my shoulders. “Did you pack a bag?”

  “Yes, Master.” I reached for my small duffel, but he took it from me and then led me out of the apartment and down to the parking lot.

  There was no limousine waiting for us this time.

  Master walked over to a sleek red sports car and opened the passenger door.

  Once we were on the road, I turned to him, my curiosity getting the best of me. “Can you share with me the name of the author we’re meeting tonight?”

  Master cast a quick look my way, then reached down and took my hand, linking our fingers together.

  “TJ Arlington.”

  Well, holy crap. My eyes widened. “The TJ Arlington?”

  Master chuckled. “I’m sure he doesn’t include the when introducing himself. Then again, he’s rather eccentric, so maybe he does.”

  I had been introduced to TJ Arlington’s work by Master. However, it hadn’t taken long for me to figure out that he was one of the most highly anticipated BDSM authors because of his accurate depiction of the lifestyle. “He’s highly respected in the BDSM circles.”

  “That he is,” Master confirmed.

  “Sir, do all of your clients write BDSM?”

  “Most of them, yes. Several don’t have labels for their particular style, but it all revolves around kink and various fetishes.”

  Well, that made sense considering he was into the lifestyle.

  “Do they all…uh…are they?”

  “Participants in the lifestyle?” He chuckled again. “No. They are not. However, TJ is and you’ll find that he’s rather strict when it comes to his parties.”

  Eccentric and strict. Interesting combination.

  I swallowed hard, my nerves getting the best of me. I had no idea how I was supposed to act. There was something I’d read about high protocol, but I had no clue what that really meant. I’d read tons of information about how submissives were to act with their Doms. Some were very extreme while others were more lax. I had no idea what Master wanted from me and the last thing I wanted to do was disappoint him.

  Master squeezed my hand. “You’ll be fine, pet. I have complete faith in you.”

  I was glad someone did.

  “Can you tell me what your expectations are?” I asked, jumping right in with both feet.

  “Once we’re inside the house, you will not be allowed to speak.”

  “Like, at all?”

  “Not at all.”

  Okay, I wasn’t sure I liked that.

  “You’ll remain with me throughout, so you won’t have to worry about being on your own. However, should you go to the restroom or anywhere by yourself, you have to remember, you are not allowed to speak. It doesn’t matter what you see or who tries to engage you in conversation. Do not talk.”

  “Yes, Sir. No speaking.” I understood that part.

  “You are also not to make eye contact with anyone.”

  I inhaled sharply.

  “From the moment we step inside, keep your eyes on the floor. I will introduce you as my pet, but I will not use your name. At this dinner, you are merely arm candy.”

  The idea of that was horrifying. Hadn’t women spent decades trying to fight this exact thing?

  Master pulled the car to a stop at a red light. He turned to face me, curling his hand around my neck.

  “This is the way TJ wants it. And while we’re in his home, we will respect his wishes.”

  “What if I accidently look at someone?”

  He smiled. “Don’t. You are there as my pet. Consider yourself an ornament for the evening.”

  An ornament?

  My jaw dropped open and I stared at him in shock. To be honest, I would rather be a fuck toy than an ornament. And wasn’t that just all kinds of fucked up?

  “This is me allowing you to get a real glimpse of what it truly means to be submissive. You said you understood, but I don’t think you do. However, by the time the night is over, you’ll get a good understanding of what dedicated submissives will do for their masters.”

  “But an ornament?”

  “An ornament, pet. It’s a couple of hours.”

  “Am I not supposed to eat dinner?”

  He shook his head. “I will feed you.”

  By this point, I was trembling. I’d read a lot of things about this lifestyle, but I guess I hadn’t actually believed that something like this really took place.

  The light turned green and Master put his foot on the gas. A few minutes later, we arrived at our destination, where a valet met us outside and took the keys to Master’s car. While the place could’ve been misconstrued as an elaborate hotel, it was actually a house. Well, a mansion, to be exact, complete with a circle drive with a lavish waterfall in the middle of it. Apparently, TJ Arlington sold a lot of books.

  Although I was dressed for the part, I felt completely out of my element. These people clearly had money to go along with their kink.

  Rather than walking up to the porch, Master stood next to his car after helping me out. He curled his finger beneath my chin and leaned in close to speak.

  “Remember, pet, it’s an honor for you to be here with me. You’re here because I want you here. And in order to please me, you will do as I’ve asked.”

  I dropped my gaze to his chest and nodded. That was what he wanted, right?

  “Look at me.” His command was low and rough.

  I lifted my eyes to his.

  His voice was deep and rough when he spoke. “From the moment I met you, Luci, I knew you would be mine. Tonight, I want you to prove to me and to everyone else that I was right.”


  Until tonight, I’d never gotten the impression that he wanted me for himself. He did seem content to bestow his wisdom, to train me, I guess you could say. But for him to declare that…

  I was speechless.

  I took a deep breath and stood up straight.

  Master was right. It was an honor for me to be here with him. He didn’t have to invite me, but he had. And now that I was here, it was my honor and duty to please him. He was highly respected in these circles and I would not do anything to damage his reputation.

  “As long as it pleases you,” I choked out.

  He brushed his thumb over my bottom lip, then leaned down to kiss me. “It most certainly does. And tonight, once we’re back at my apartment, I’ll reward you for being a good girl.”

  I was fairly certain sparks ignited beneath my skin from those words alone.

  “And if you aren’t a good girl,” he said, keeping his tone low, “I will punish you.”

  My heart sank as I remembered the spanking he’d given me. The worst part had been knowing how I’d failed him by not doing as he’d instructed. I refused to allow that to happen again.

  “I won’t disappoint you, Master.”

  He kissed me lightly again. “Not on purpose, I know. Now, let’s go enjoy the evening.”

  Enjoy seemed like a stretch, but what did I know.



  Do not look at anyone.

  Those seemed like relatively easy instructions to follow.

  However, the moment the door opened and we were greeted by the host, I found it nearly impossible to do anything Master had asked me to do. It took all my willpower not to look around, not to admire my surroundings. That was the core of who I was. I was curious. I’d go so far as to say I was even nosy.

  Not a good quality to possess under these circumstances.

  Master removed my wrap, then his coat, passing them over to an attendant before taking a few steps forward.

  “Master Moore, what an honor to have you here tonight.” The man who spoke had a raspy, elegant voice and black shoes. Since I wasn’t permitted to look up, I couldn’t tell what the rest of him looked like.

  “Thank you, Master Arlington. It’s an honor to be here.”

  “And who did you bring with you?”

  “This is my pet,” Master informed him.

  Yep. That’s me! Just an ornament!

  “I’m glad to see you have one,” TJ said. “It’s been a long time.”

  Hmm. I wondered how long.

  “It has,” Master confirmed.

  I kept my eyes on the elaborate marble floor, reminding myself over and over again that I was not allowed to look at anyone and I was not allowed to speak. This was, by far, the hardest thing I’d ever had to do. Harder than walking around the office naked, even.

  Everything I’d learned in my life about being courteous and being polite was all lost on this moment. It seemed that the exact opposite was what was respectful in this house and I wasn’t sure how I would be successful.

  You will please your master. That’s the only thing that matters.

  “Please mingle. Dinner will be served in half an hour.”

  Master guided me through the foyer and into a large, open room.

  “From this point forward, you will remain one foot behind me on my right at all times unless I request otherwise.”

  My heart sank in my chest. The thought of being pushed to the side was even worse than being told not to talk. Needless to say, I didn’t like it and I suspected Master had known, hence the reason he didn’t inform me until now. Disregarding my hurt feelings, I managed to nod and didn’t move until Master was a foot in front of me. I kept my eyes down, focused on the floor just to the right of his feet.


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