Office Intrigue (Office Intrigue Duet Book 1) Read online

Page 11

  I’m not sure what I was expecting, but the fact that no one seemed to be interested in moving this meeting in the same direction as last week’s was making me nervous.


  My gaze snapped over to Langston when his warm hand brushed my forearm.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Did you have anything you wanted to discuss?”

  Remembering that I had been tasked with setting up the quarterly meeting, I decided to launch into an update on that. “I sent out the invites to all the managers, and I reserved a block of rooms at the Hilton. Each manager has been instructed to book their own room and to use the code I provided, which would offer a discount.”

  “Impressive,” Ben said, glancing between all the others. “I didn’t even know we could get a discount.”

  That was what I was here for.

  “I’ve confirmed our reservations for four of the small conference rooms, and I also have a tentative hold on one of the large ballrooms at the convention center. I wanted to confirm how long we needed it for. Since it’s close to several restaurants and pubs, I wasn’t sure if we wanted to hold a happy hour afterward, which would allow for more personal interaction. Or we could always cater something into the convention center and hold it there.”

  “Great ideas,” Landon noted. “I’d like to talk more about that later, whenever you have time.”

  “Absolutely, sir.” I jotted it down in my notebook. “Other than that, I’m still working to confirm all managers have RSVP’d, and for those who haven’t, I’m getting details as to whether they are tentative or if it’s a conflict that can’t be helped. There is one relatively new manager who tried to back out, but I informed her that it’s a crucial engagement that will only help her growth within the organization. She has since confirmed she will attend.”

  Justin’s expression was one of wonder, and I couldn’t help but think he was surprised. I only hoped it wasn’t in a bad way. I wanted to show them that I was far more than a pretty face who knew how to pour a cup of coffee.

  He finally spoke. “Well, I can definitely say that you’re handling this far better than the rest of us ever have.”

  Pride swelled in my chest at his praise.

  His hooded gaze roamed over my face momentarily before he said, “Is there anything else you’d like to discuss?”

  I peered over at Langston, Landon, then Ben, and finally back to Justin while shaking my head. “I…uh… No. Not that I can think of.”

  Justin’s cocky grin set off something inside me. He obviously knew where my mind was and I think that pleased him.

  “Would you like to go over the notes from the last meeting?” Justin inquired.

  My eyes widened as I realized I hadn’t taken notes. Then again, they were all aware of that fact considering during our last meeting, other things had taken place.

  Swallowing hard, I held Justin’s stare. “I recall discussions about expectations,” I told him, my voice rougher than I’d expected it to be.

  “And what else?” Langston prompted. “What took place?”

  I turned to look at him.

  “The…uh…meeting ended with…” I swallowed again, not sure I could actually speak the words aloud.

  “Please continue,” Ben urged.

  My gaze bounced to him.

  Langston’s deep voice drew my attention back to him, though. “For future reference, we expect you to be as detailed as possible when speaking of the prior weeks’ events.”

  I nodded, understanding.

  “We discussed tests.” I lifted the file folder in my hand to show them before setting it back in my lap.

  “And then…?”

  Obviously Langston wanted real details.

  “The meeting ended with Justin using his fingers to…uh…”

  “To what?” Justin probed.

  Well, hell. They obviously weren’t going to let this go and I wasn’t about to let them intimidate me. After all, I wanted this. Probably more than they did, so what would it hurt if I blurted it out?

  Clearing my throat, I gripped the arms of the chair with both hands. “The meeting ended with Justin making me come with his fingers.”

  “Details, Luci,” Langston stated firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

  I swallowed hard. “Justin used two fingers, fucking me to orgasm, while the three of you watched.”

  Landon’s raspy gasp did wonders to my ego. Obviously, he remembered what had taken place. I certainly hadn’t forgotten about it.

  “And just to make sure we’re all on the same page, I want to clarify the rules that we all agreed to,” Justin added. “Luci, would you mind going over them?”

  They were evidently putting me on the spot.

  I smiled sweetly. “Test results were to be provided, which they were. I must be on birth control, which I am.” I glanced from one man to the next as I spoke. “No one is allowed to have sex with anyone outside of this room. Condoms are not necessary for vaginal or anal sex now that the test results have been provided.”

  I loved the response my recollection was invoking. Seemed as though my words alone were getting these guys worked up. It left me feeling empowered.

  “Do you have any questions?” Langston’s inquiry was directed at me.

  “No, sir.” I understood quite clearly, in fact.

  “As you can expect, there will be more rules added as we go along. We’ll be sure to let you know so that you’re aware. Should they be broken, there will be…consequences.”

  I nodded my agreement, unable to look away from him.

  “Good.” His fingers circled my wrist and he tugged gently. “Now come here.”

  Moving the folder and my notebook to the table, I got to my feet and allowed Langston to pull me closer to him. I wasn’t sure exactly what he was looking for, so I allowed him to guide me, which he did. Right into his lap.

  I could feel the evidence of his desire beneath my leg as I positioned myself on his lap at a slight angle. He placed one big hand on my bare calf, then inched it higher, slipping beneath the sheer skirt.

  “Put your mouth on mine, Luci,” he ordered in a deep, gravelly tone.

  My eyes dropped to his lips at the same time my heartbeat sped up.

  As I cupped his neck with my hand, I noticed how warm his skin was compared to mine. I leaned in and kissed him, keeping the initial contact gentle. More of a tease than anything. I licked his lower lip, then sucked it into my mouth, earning a rough growl from him, which made my pussy throb in earnest.

  His hand snaked higher, seeking the heat between my legs. Without thinking, I shifted, giving him better access to what he was looking for. I needed this.

  I had honestly thought long and hard about what these four men had proposed, and I still couldn’t find a reason to back out. Now that we were resuming the activities that had started last week, it felt perfectly natural for me. It didn’t bother me that Justin, Landon, and Ben were all watching either. In fact, the exhibitionist in me liked the idea.

  “Don’t be selfish, cowboy,” Ben grumbled from behind me. “Do what your momma taught you to do and share.”

  I could feel Langston’s smile against my mouth. When he pulled back slightly, I caught a twinkle in his beautiful eyes. I knew there was something dirty rolling around in that big brain of his and I wanted to know what it was.

  It didn’t take long before I figured it out.

  Langston shifted me on his lap, turning me so that my back was against his chest, his arm curling around my waist as his hands resumed their searching, this time beneath my sweater.

  “Anyone have any objections to me being the first one to taste her?” Ben asked, his golden eyes darting over to Justin, then Langston and Landon.

  I could see Justin’s agreement and when Ben got up from his chair, I figured the other two had also given him the go-ahead.

  “I think we all agree she’s stunning when she’s clothed,” Landon noted. “I’d like to see how beau
tiful she is naked.”

  I barely processed his words before Langston was lifting my sweater up. I raised my arms so he could remove it, shifting my hips when Ben moved to pull my skirt off.

  “You take direction very well,” Ben said, his tone dripping with approval.

  I knew he was referring to the fact that I wasn’t wearing panties.

  A second later, I was still perched in Langston’s lap wearing only my bra, plus the strappy sandals I’d selected that morning. However, the bra was the next to go, but they did leave my shoes on.

  I moaned when Langston cupped my breasts, pulling me back against him as he tweaked my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. My eyes were glued to Ben as he knelt before me, his dark hands pushing my thighs apart, hooking my knees over Langston’s legs.

  “Pink and pretty,” Ben murmured as his fingers drifted to my pussy.

  He teased my labia, kneading the bare skin of my mound as he fondled me. I knew he could see how wet I was. Hell, everyone could see.

  “Shift forward,” he ordered.

  Before I could fully understand what he wanted me to do, Langston moved me again, forcing my butt down his thighs, his hands leaving my breasts and hooking beneath my knees to hold me open. It was a slightly awkward position in which I was slouched in Langston’s lap. Even more so because my legs were spread wide, my pussy in Ben’s face.

  I cried out when Ben’s mouth descended. His breath was warm, his tongue gentle as he licked me. Slowly, sensually.

  “How does she taste?” Justin’s deep voice rumbled from a few feet away.

  I forced my eyes open and watched him, his eyes raking over my body, dropping to where Ben’s head was nestled between my legs.

  “Like candy, Mr. Parker,” Ben groaned, then resumed his feast.

  My eyes shot up to Justin’s face and I saw more heat there, only this time, I was pretty sure it was focused on Ben. There had to be something more going on there. Something I wasn’t privy to.

  Not that I could think about it now. Not with Ben’s tongue doing wicked things to my clit.

  I curled my hands around Langston’s biceps and held on, my fingernails digging into his suit jacket as I ground my hips forward, urging Ben to give me more. Heat rocketed through me, making me tremble. He was teasing, inching me higher and higher only to bring me back down as he slowed his tongue, working me over good.

  “You’re not ready to come yet, are you?” Langston asked, his words rumbled softly against my ear.

  “I am.”

  Apparently, Ben had other ideas, because he grabbed my hips and jerked my butt closer to him. I was practically folded in half on Langston’s lap, my knees up near my shoulders as Langston held me tightly.

  Ben’s tongue slipped lower, grazing my asshole and making me shudder.

  “Oh, God, yes,” I hissed.

  He continued to brush the sensitive skin with his tongue, then returned to my clit. He alternated, driving me absolutely wild.

  My eyes cut over to Justin to see he was still watching as Ben continued to fondle me with his tongue. When our eyes met, he smirked once more.

  “One of these days,” Justin said gruffly, “we’re gonna fill all those sweet holes at one time.”

  I nodded.

  “Imagine that, Luci.” Justin’s eyes remained locked with mine. “Langston’s cock buried in your ass. Ben’s cock lodged deep in your pussy while Landon fucks that sweet mouth.”

  “What will you be doing?” I asked breathlessly, my fingernails digging deeper into Langston’s muscles.

  “I’ll have plenty to do.”

  “Like what?” I wanted him to continue talking.

  Ben’s head lifted and I cut my eyes to his.

  “He’ll be fucking my ass,” Ben groaned, then dove back between my legs, his mouth latching on to my clit, his tongue flicking relentlessly.

  I was so close.

  “Do you want to come, little one?” Langston asked again.

  “Yes, sir,” I panted.

  “Ask very nicely. In your sweetest voice.”

  I swallowed hard, trying to hold back, scared I was going to come before I had permission. Finally, I found my voice. “Please, sir. Please, please, please may I come?”

  “You may.”

  It took less than two seconds for my orgasm to detonate. I wasn’t sure if it was Ben’s mouth or the thought of Justin fucking Ben’s ass while the three of them fucked me. Or maybe it was Langston giving me permission.

  Whatever it was, I came harder than I ever had in my life.

  My body shook; my muscles clenched tightly as the powerful sensations swarmed me. I cried out, pressing back against Langston, already looking forward to what came next.


  WEDNESDAY ROLLED AROUND AND I had to admit, I was once again antsy.

  After the Monday meeting, things went back to normal. Ben was in and out of the office throughout the day, Justin was off on a two-day business trip, while Landon and Langston spent hours on the phone in their respective offices. From what I could tell, they were gearing up for a book expo in New York. It was apparently something that occurred once a year and a highly coveted event in the publishing industry.

  Meanwhile, I was keeping myself busy by scheduling meetings for the four of them, answering emails from their team members, putting together a proposal for one of Landon’s prospective clients, and helping Jordan man the phones when they were overloading the circuits. All while I was taking care of the little details for the quarterly meeting. I had to admit, I liked that I had that to work on. Coordinating an event of that magnitude required a significant amount of time and attention to detail. I was happy to contribute both.

  Sitting at my desk, I was gearing up to run through a few emails that one of Landon’s team members had sent me when Landon’s door opened and he peeked out.

  “I’d like to see you in my office, Luci.”

  I smiled, despite the fact that my insides had started to riot instantly. “Of course.”

  Because I wasn’t sure what he needed and I didn’t want to be presumptuous, I grabbed a pen and a notepad and made my way into his office.

  The place looked the same as the last time I’d been in there. Everything neat and tidy, including his desk. His cell phone and laptop were the only items on the rustic wood top.

  “Please, have a seat,” he said, motioning toward the chair across from him.

  Landon waited until I eased into my chair before he sat down and I recognized the chivalrous move. They were all like that, but admittedly, Langston and Landon more so than the others.

  “How’re things going?” he prompted, leaning back in his chair.

  “Very well,” I admitted. “I’m keeping busy.”

  “Good.” His eyes perused my face. “And you’re still happy here?”


  “No regrets?”

  I wasn’t sure if he was referring to the job or the extracurricular activities. However, my answer was the same for both. “Not at all.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  There was a long pause, the lack of sound almost deafening as Landon continued to watch me. I wasn’t sure if he was expecting me to say or do something. There were plenty of things I wanted from him, but he had yet to touch me. Nothing more than a kiss. While Justin had already had his fingers inside me and Ben’s tongue had done a number on me, Landon and Langston seemed to be holding back. I wasn’t sure why that was.

  A soft knock sounded on the door behind me. Twisting in my chair, I watched as Langston stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. His eyes, all intense and sexy, instantly found mine.

  Turning back to Landon, I saw he was watching me as well.

  Warm hands settled on my shoulders and I took a deep breath, loving the way Langston always seemed to touch me. Those big hands cupped my neck and then my head was being tilted back. Langston leaned over and, in his upside-down position, brushed his lips against min
e. It was a gentle move, both sexy and sweet, and extremely dominating.

  “Do you have plans for dinner tonight?” Landon inquired once Langston let me go.

  I peered over at the handsome man still seated behind his desk.

  “No, sir,” I said softly.

  “We’d like to take you to dinner.”


  Langston moved to stand beside his twin, and I glanced between the two men. I studied them for a moment, trying to figure out what was going on here. I thought we were keeping this to an office affair, but apparently I’d been wrong.

  Landon smiled. “I can assure you that the one thing that won’t happen tonight is you paying for dinner.”

  I laughed. “I’d appreciate that.”

  “So? Dinner?”

  I glanced from one to the other, then nodded. “I’d like that.”

  “Good.” Landon looked over his shoulder at his brother and Langston nodded. “Unless you have anything for us,” Landon said, once more looking my way, “that’ll be all for now.”

  A little taken aback, I managed a nod as I got to my feet. I’m not sure why I thought something was going to happen, but admittedly, I did. Since I was being dismissed, I felt a little shaken. And not in a good way.


  I paused with my hand on the doorknob, my shoulders tensing from the gruff sound of Landon’s voice.

  “Yes, sir?” I didn’t bother to turn around, not wanting them to see my disappointment.

  “We’re lookin’ forward to dinner.”

  I nodded.

  “A limo will pick you up at your apartment at seven,” Langston stated, his voice just a tad deeper than his twin’s. “Wear something black.”

  “And short,” Landon added.

  “And don’t bother with panties,” Langston said gruffly.

  I swallowed hard, my body tingling.

  “Or a bra,” he added.

  Okay, so that was going to prove challenging.

  “Oh, and one more thing.” I noticed that Landon’s voice was louder, sounding closer.

  I turned to find he was standing directly behind me.

  “When you get home tonight, I want you to put this in.” He handed me a box. “Don’t open it until you get home. But I expect you to have it in when we arrive.”


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