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Because Naughty Holidays Can Be Oh So Nice 2015 Page 17

  Not today.

  Today, Cole had something else in mind.

  As he moved closer, Cole worked his belt free, then undid the button of his jeans, but he stopped working his clothes free as soon as his feet stopped, coming to stand directly in front of Luke.

  “Who was on the phone?” Cole questioned.

  Luke frowned. “It’s nothing.”

  Cole wondered how much truth there was to that statement. However, he had no intention of calling Luke to the carpet. If he wanted to continue these games, so be it.

  Moving around behind Luke, Cole placed his hands on Luke’s tense shoulders. Faking it or not, the man’s muscles were knotted. He began kneading until Luke relaxed, exhaling deeply as he sank back into his chair.

  “Don’t get too comfortable,” Cole told him, smiling to himself.

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I’ve got the perfect way for you to take your mind off your troubles.”

  “Is that right?” Luke didn’t sound convinced.

  Pulling his hands from Luke’s shoulders, Cole worked his jeans open all the way, took his cock in his hand, and then moved back around to stand in front of Luke.

  His husband’s eyes widened slightly when his gaze settled on Cole’s rock-hard dick.

  “Suck me,” Cole instructed, keeping his tone firm.

  “Isn’t that typically my line?” Luke’s eyes lifted to meet Cole’s.

  “Not today it’s not.” Cole nodded downward. “Take my dick in your mouth, Luke.”

  The way Luke’s eyes flashed with heat told Cole that he’d been right. The man was expecting this. And Cole was more than willing to deliver.

  When Luke began to reach for Cole’s cock, he tsked. “No hands,” Cole told him. “Only your mouth.”

  Luke peered up at him again, his mouth opening slightly.

  Cole brushed the head of his cock against those smooth, firm lips, inhaling sharply as he did. “Just like that. Now close your lips around me.”

  Luke’s mouth encircled him, his tongue easing over the engorged head, and a shiver raced down Cole’s spine. The man really did have a wicked fucking mouth.

  It was true, Luke McCoy enjoyed being in control, but Cole knew that there were times when he wanted that control stripped away from him. And yes, Cole was the perfect person for the job.

  “Suck me,” Cole demanded, keeping his voice low. “Suck me like you mean it.”

  Luke released Cole’s dick from his mouth. “Be careful what you wish for.”

  Cole smiled. “Baby, I always wish to see my dick tunneling in and out of your mouth. Your threats mean little to me. Now suck me.”

  Luke took him in his mouth once again, working him the way only Luke knew how, and Cole’s eyes threatened to roll back in his head. He managed to maintain his control, sliding one hand into Luke’s hair, holding his head in place, then cupping Luke’s jaw with his other hand.

  “That’s it,” Cole murmured. “Let me fuck your mouth. The same way I’m gonna fuck your ass when I bend you over your desk.”

  A couple of years ago, those words would’ve never come out of Cole’s mouth. But now … watching Luke’s eyes glaze over, Cole knew that was exactly what Luke had been hoping for.

  But not yet. He wanted to feel the warm suction of Luke’s mouth for as long as he could.

  And when he could take no more, he would do exactly as he’d promised.

  2:19 p.m.

  LUKE HONESTLY NEVER thought he would be where he was now. It’d taken him so long to finally realize—or accept, as was probably the better way to look at it—that he would appreciate being on the receiving end of someone else’s commands. In fact, it wasn’t until Sierra and Cole had come into his life that he’d realized there was something he’d been missing all along.

  Granted, the only person he took commands from—when it came to sex, anyway—was Cole. And he intended for it to stay that way.

  Ever since that first time… Damn. The memory of that day made his dick throb against his zipper, his need ratcheting up another notch. Thinking about what Cole had done to him, how he’d made him feel… It had been better than he could’ve anticipated.

  He remembered it as though it were yesterday.

  “I want to feel you,” Luke bit out. “I don’t need the damn toy, I fucking need you. Right now.”

  “I want you inside me,” Sierra whispered close to his ear as she ran her hands up over his shoulders, then into his hair. “I want to feel you when Cole takes you.”

  There wasn’t even a second of hesitation before he shifted, ramming his cock inside of her, heavenly warmth enveloping him.

  “Cole. Please. Now,” Sierra murmured.

  At least they were on the same page.

  Seconds felt like hours as Cole slowly—so fucking slowly—worked his cock into Luke’s body.

  “I need this. I need you,” Cole whispered.

  Sierra’s hands came up to slide down Cole’s cheek as he leaned forward, his chest resting against Luke’s back.

  The pleasure was intense. So intense Luke wasn’t sure he would survive it.

  Planting his hands on top of Cole’s, which were flat on the mattress, Luke twined their fingers together and turned his head to look at the man he loved.

  “I love you,” Luke whispered. “I need you.”

  Cole began rocking his hips, driving deep and retreating slowly. The pleasure was intensifying, but he needed more. So much more.

  “Cole,” Luke groaned. “Make me come. Please make me come.”

  “Come for me,” Cole ground out. “I need you to come for me, baby.”

  And that was exactly what Luke did.

  And now, here they were, Cole once again taking the reins. Luke needed to feel him, needed Cole to be lodged to the hilt in his ass, robbing him of his senses and leaving him blinded by the pleasure.

  “So fucking good,” Cole ground out, reverently sliding his palm over Luke’s cheek as he pulled his cock from Luke’s mouth, continuing to stare down at him with so much love in his eyes it made Luke’s heart constrict. “Stand up.”

  Luke got to his feet without argument.

  Cole proceeded to remove Luke’s belt, unbutton his slacks, then force them down his thighs.

  “Turn around.”

  Luke did as instructed, unable to argue, even if he’d wanted to.

  The sound of a drawer opening made him smile.

  “Put your hands on the desk.”

  Bending over, Luke planted his palms flat on the desk and widened his stance as much as he could with his slacks around his legs.

  Cool lubricant slid down over his asshole, and the next thing he knew, the head of Cole’s cock had breached him, sucking the air from his lungs. The foreplay was obviously done, and Luke was fine with that. He ached for Cole, needed him more than he needed anything else at the moment.

  Luke clenched his teeth as Cole pushed into him, forcing the thick head past the tight ring of muscle. He forced himself to relax, taking a deep breath as he kept his hands planted firmly on the desk.

  “So tight,” Cole muttered. “So fucking tight. You know how good it feels to be inside you?”

  Luke had an idea because he had the same thoughts when he was buried inside Cole. But this… This was a pleasure he’d come to crave, to need as much as he needed to claim Cole himself.

  “I’m gonna fuck you now,” Cole told him.

  Luke didn’t say a word. Dropping his head, he began pushing back against the intrusion, his cock desperate for attention, but he knew better than to touch himself.

  Cole’s fingers bit into his hips, and Luke closed his eyes, relishing the fullness, the erotic grind of Cole buried inside him, his thick cock brushing his prostate and making his dick swell.

  Cole was the only man Luke had bottomed for, the only man he would ever bottom for. He loved him, and the feeling of him deep inside his body was a connection that he’d long ago accepted that they both needed.

bsp; Closing his eyes, he groaned as Cole pushed inside, withdrew, then slid in again. Over and over, Cole fucked him so perfectly, giving him exactly what they both needed until Luke knew he was going to come. There was nothing he could do to stop that.

  “Harder,” Luke growled. He needed more, needed everything Cole was willing to give him.

  Cole slammed into him, pulling out, then slamming home again. His pace quickened, his thrusts more urgent as he pounded into him. The sound of flesh against flesh echoed in the office, mingling with their deep breaths and the involuntary groans of pleasure.

  “Fuck, Luke,” Cole whispered harshly. “I’m gonna come in your ass, baby.”

  Luke’s cock jerked.

  Cole slammed into him several more times before his hips stilled, his dick pulsing in Luke’s ass. But it wasn’t over, because Cole reached around him, gripping Luke’s dick firmly and jacking him off until Luke was biting back a strangled cry, his release barreling into him.

  “Aww, fuck … Cole…” Luke groaned, dropping his head as he bucked his hips, driving himself into Cole’s hand. “Oh, fuck.”

  “Let go,” Cole commanded.

  Luke came hard and fast, a smile forming on his lips.

  3:09 p.m.

  SIERRA SAT AT the kitchen table, holding Liam in her arms as she watched Hannah devour some apples. She felt oddly refreshed after a full one-hour nap. How she’d managed that, she wasn’t sure, but she definitely wasn’t going to question it. Hannah had kindly woken her to ask if she could have an apple. As though the sweetness of her tone wouldn’t have been enough, Hannah had followed it with a kiss and a whispered, “I love you.” No way could Sierra resist that.

  “So what are you and grandma gonna do tonight?” Sierra asked her daughter.

  “Play with stickers!” Hannah squealed excitedly.

  Her daughter had taken to stickers months ago. Thankfully, she’d gotten out of the habit of putting them all over people, preferring now to decorate the sticker books Luke and Cole had bought her. It was rather amazing that stickers could keep her occupied for hours on end.

  “I bet your daddies bought you a new sticker book,” Sierra said. “But you have to be super good to get it.”

  As though they sensed she was talking about them, Sierra’s cell phone rang. She grabbed it from the table and hit the talk button.

  “Hey,” she greeted Cole.

  “Hey, baby,” he said. “Things good there?”

  “Yep. Hannah’s having a snack and Liam just ate, too. How are you?”

  “Good. Things are all settled here.”

  “By things, are you referring to Luke?” she asked with a chuckle.


  “Did he pull that thing again?” Sierra and Cole were on to Luke’s little game of pretending to be worked up to the point of needing something to calm him down. Sure, there were times when it was clear he was nearing the breaking point, but they’d long ago been able to determine which moments were real and which were fabricated.

  Not that they intended to let him know they were on to his game.

  “He did,” Cole said softly. “Took good care of him.”

  “Wish I could’ve watched,” Sierra said softly.

  “Me, too,” he replied. “I think we’re gonna come home for an early dinner, help with Hannah and Liam while you get ready.”

  “That’d be great.” Not only would she appreciate the help but she wouldn’t mind seeing either of them. “Should I cook?”

  “No, we’ll take care of that.”

  “Okay. What time?” Sierra looked at the clock.

  “Around four?”

  “Works for me. See you then.”

  “Love you,” Cole said.

  “Love you, too.”

  Sierra disconnected the call.

  “Was that Daddy? Or Daddy-o?”

  “Daddy,” Sierra told Hannah.

  “Where’s Daddy-o?”

  Sierra smiled, still amused that Hannah had started referring to Luke that way. Not that Luke minded; in fact, Sierra was pretty sure he enjoyed it. “With Daddy. They’re at work.”

  “Are they coming home?”

  “In a little while.”

  “What time?” Hannah asked, morphing into the grown-up version she liked to pretend to be from time to time.

  “Four o’clock,” Sierra explained. “When the first number on the clock is four.”

  “Okay.” Hannah shoved her last piece of apple into her mouth. “Can we watch more Paw Patrol?”

  Sierra tried not to let Hannah watch too much television, not wanting to get in the habit of leaving her unattended—because it would really be easy for Sierra sometimes—but she figured it couldn’t hurt. That would burn some of the minutes between now and the time Luke and Cole came home.

  And then, when they did, Sierra was looking forward to a long, hot bath before she had to get ready for the night.

  Chapter Four

  4:12 p.m.

  ON THE WAY home from Devotion, Cole and Luke had tossed around the idea of what to have for dinner. When they’d come to the conclusion that steaks were on the menu, they’d stopped by the grocery store, grabbed what they needed, then headed home. Because the temperature was relatively mild, Luke had suggested Cole grill, and he’d easily agreed. He didn’t mind, and it gave him a chance to spend some time with Hannah. She’d long ago insisted that she be able to help, so they’d worked out a way to make that happen without allowing her to get too close to the grill.

  His daughter had become incredibly independent in recent months, and though Cole found it endearing, he knew that meant they had to keep extra eyes on her. She was sweet, but mischievous all the same, and almost always insisted that she was the one in charge.

  And in order to keep her from making the rules, their grilling routine had become streamlined out of necessity.

  While Cole readied the grill, Luke prepared the steaks, then put them in plastic containers, allowing Hannah to bring them out to him, one by one. After taking the meat and flopping it onto the grill, Cole would send the empty containers back inside, and Hannah would help Luke rinse them and put them in the dishwasher. While Cole kept an eye on the steaks, Luke helped Hannah make chicken nuggets and macaroni—her favorites—to pass the time. Then, when the steaks were ready, Cole would put them in another container, wrap it in a towel, and she would deliver it to the table.

  Cole loved watching Hannah, how excited she got to do something as mundane as making dinner. The little girl stole his heart every time he looked at her. Especially when she got a burst of excitement and got sidetracked, dancing around the kitchen, as she was now.

  “I’ll take that,” Cole told her, retrieving the plastic container from her grip and placing it on the table.

  “Dinner’s ready,” Luke called to Sierra, who was playing with Liam in the living room.

  While Luke got Hannah situated in her chair, Cole went to the living room to assist Sierra. Helping her to her feet, Cole wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her on the top of her head. God, he loved this woman, this family he’d been blessed to have. He still thanked God every single day for allowing him to live this incredible life. Sometimes it seemed surreal.

  “I’ve got him,” Cole told Sierra when she went to pick up Liam. “What’s up, little man?” Cole crooned to the newest addition to their family. “Wanna watch us have dinner?”

  Carrying the little boy into the kitchen, Cole settled him into the bouncer and then sat down to enjoy another meal with the loves of his life. Today was the last day of 2015, the last meal they would share this year. It wasn’t that he was a sentimental man, but he had learned long ago not to take anything for granted. So, while everyone dug in, Cole took an extra minute to watch them, smiling as he did.

  5:08 p.m.

  ONCE DINNER WAS finished, Luke cleaned up, loaded the dishwasher with Hannah’s help, then allowed her to wipe down the counters before they joined Cole and Liam in the living room w
hile Sierra snuck off to take a bath.

  He tried not to look at his watch, but it wasn’t easy. Although he was enjoying spending time with the kids, keeping his thoughts from straying was beginning to get difficult. He was counting down the minutes until they left, thinking about all the things they needed to do between now and then.

  The kitchen was clean. Sierra was getting some time to herself. Hannah was reading a book—or pretending to, anyway. Liam had been fed. The only thing left was for him and Cole to shower and change.

  “Relax,” Cole whispered, glancing over.

  “I’m trying,” Luke assured him. He really was, but his mind was awhirl with all the things he might’ve missed. The doors would open in a few hours, and he damn sure didn’t want to be left scrambling at the last second.

  He mentally ran through the guest list, wondering if he should’ve thought of anything else, but came up blank. When his cell phone buzzed in his pocket, he damn near flew off the couch. Looking over, he noticed Cole laughing at him.

  “Daddy-o’s a nut,” Cole told Liam.

  “Hello?” Luke said into the phone after stabbing the screen.

  “Hey, it’s Trent.”

  “What’s up?” Luke asked, trying to sound relaxed and not at all jumpy.

  “Wanted to let you know that I got a call from Phoenix Pierce. He wants to know if we’ll have some time to talk tonight. Maybe before the party.”

  Once again Luke glanced at the clock, as though more than three minutes had passed since the last time he had. “Yeah. What time?”

  “Can you be there by seven?” Trent asked.

  “We’ll see you then,” Luke assured him, then disconnected the call.

  “Trent?” Cole asked when Luke dropped his phone on his leg.

  Luke nodded. “Phoenix Pierce wants to meet.”

  “Investor, right?” Cole’s attention never left Liam.

  “Yeah. I think he’s definitely interested.”