Office Intrigue (Office Intrigue Duet Book 1) Page 17
They all four glanced between each other for a moment, then back at me.
“What?” They were looking at me as though I had two heads.
“So, I think I speak on behalf of everyone in this room,” Justin said with a grin. “Our quarterly meetings haven’t been nearly this engaging. In fact, we’ve often wondered why we bother because it isn’t long before boredom sets in and everyone’s ready to head back home. We’ve had full days when our managers have sat in the conference room, spending the entire day on their laptops.”
That didn’t sound like fun at all.
I looked at each man in turn. “Am I doing it wrong? I mean, I’m thinking that this is a huge opportunity to have all of the managers together in one place. They can take the information back to their own teams and share the wealth of knowledge that we supply them with. Aside from renting the convention center rooms and catering in food, we have a lot of the presenters volunteering their time because they want to get in front of you and your teams.”
Justin waved his hand. “Oh, no, you’re not doing anything wrong. This is just so far off the map of what we’re used to…I think it’s going to set a precedent.”
I smiled. “I’ve tried to put myself in their shoes. If I had to travel for business for a four-day conference, I wouldn’t look forward to spending time in my hotel room or having dinner alone or not having the opportunity to get in front of my boss.”
“You’re going about this the right way,” Landon assured me. “The simple fact that you’re engaging the managers ahead of time adds a sense of responsibility on their part. They get to contribute.” He grinned. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“Thank you.” I was looking forward to it, too. “And I’m going to nix the few ideas you didn’t like,” I told the four of them. “I’ll come up with a few additional options and get your input. I won’t be able to wait until next Monday since that’ll only give me a week. But I will present them as soon as I have a solid plan. Does that work?”
“It does,” Justin replied. “Now moving on to this week’s travel.”
While the four of them discussed the trips they had planned for the week, I couldn’t help smiling to myself. It felt good that they liked what I was doing and that they weren’t afraid to tell me as much. After our extracurricular activities had begun, I had briefly wondered if they wouldn’t see me for the potential that I had, but merely for the fun I could offer.
It wasn’t like that and I was especially grateful. While I wanted to enjoy my bosses, I also wanted to prove my worth in a business sense. The fact that they could keep the two separate, allowing both sides to coexist in the same work environment, helped to ease some of my worry.
“Is there anything else you’d like to go over?” Justin asked, his question directed at no one in particular.
“I’d like to know how Luci feels about how things are going so far,” Ben said.
My attention jerked to him as he put me on the spot.
“In what regard?” I asked, wanting to ensure we were talking about the same thing.
His smile brightened up his entire face. “Your interactions with the four of us. Do you feel you’re getting enough of our time? Is there something you’d like to do differently?”
I instantly shook my head.
“What is it, little one?” Langston questioned.
It figured he would be the one to pick up on the fact that I wasn’t telling the truth.
“Is something bothering you? Something we’re doing wrong?” Justin asked as all four men turned their full attention on me.
“No,” I blurted. They weren’t doing anything wrong. They were just… I sighed. “I just want to ensure that you know that I’m here if you need anything at all.”
Landon smirked. “Are you saying you want more of our attention?”
My cheeks heated, but I managed to nod. “I guess, yeah. That’s what I’m saying.”
“We don’t want to wear you out,” Justin said, his eyes scanning my face.
“You won’t.” I grinned, my insides trembling. “I’m young. I think I can handle it.”
That caused Landon and Langston to chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” I asked them directly.
“Be careful what you wish for, pet,” Langston said, his tone deep and grumbly.
I didn’t respond, but I didn’t look away from him either.
“If no one has anything else, then I say we adjourn,” Justin stated, moving to the edge of his seat. “And Luci?”
“Hmm?” I looked over at him.
“Do you remember the rules for tomorrow?”
I frowned, trying to think of what he might be referring to.
My eyes widened as I remembered his request from last week.
“I’m to work naked tomorrow,” I said, my eyes bouncing from one man to the next.
“All day,” Justin confirmed.
“God, I can’t wait for tomorrow,” Landon said as he got to his feet.
Everyone chuckled and I was left staring after them.
While working.
God, I wasn’t sure I was ready for tomorrow.
A few hours later, I was wondering if I was going to make it through today, let alone be ready for tomorrow.
At two thirty, Justin opened his office door and peered out at me. “Please join me.”
I was staring after him as he slipped back into his office. I managed to call Jordan to let him know I’d be away from my desk for a few minutes, then hurried after my boss. When I turned to close the door behind me, he waved me off.
“Leave it open.”
I frowned.
He turned to face me. “You mentioned you wanted more attention.”
My eyes widened as I stared at him. I managed a nod.
He smiled. “I’m happy to hear that. We’ve all been holding back. The truth is, I could fuck you a couple of times a day. Every day.”
I swallowed hard, my body heating from his words.
“But your health is of the utmost importance to us.”
Okay, just when I thought this was going one way, it seemed to be going another.
“However, your request this morning tells me that you’re equipped to handle our demands. Is that true?”
“Yes, sir.” I couldn’t help it, I was trembling. Not from fear but from anticipation. I wasn’t sure which way Justin was going with this, but I was hoping it would result in him doing something wicked right here in his office.
He walked around to one of the chairs sitting in front of his desk and he patted the leather. “Come here, princess.”
I moved closer, coming to stand directly in front of him. He reached for my hand, then guided it to his cock, which was currently tenting his slacks.
“You feel that?”
“I do,” I whispered roughly, unable to look away from his face.
“That’s what you do to me. You make me hard. You make me ache. I think about fucking that sweet little pussy all damn day.”
My pussy clenched, my body trembling as the need inside me rose.
Justin moved around behind me, then guided me forward.
“Bend over the chair. Let me see that pretty little ass.”
Planting my hands on the seat of the chair, I bent over the back of it, leaning forward with my feet still on the ground. Cool air washed over my butt when he lifted my skirt. Warm hands began kneading my ass and I couldn’t resist squirming against the pressure, urging him to continue, letting him know I welcomed whatever he had in mind.
“Is this what you need, princess? You need us to order you into our offices so we can bury our cocks in that tight snatch of yours?”
“Yes, sir.” I didn’t even care how that made me sound. It was exactly what I wanted. I spent so much time wishing and hoping that my inhibitions were long since buried beneath my desperation.
I heard the clink of his belt buckle being freed, then the distinct sound of
his zipper being lowered.
“Hold that thought.”
I glanced over my shoulder as Justin strolled out of the room. I frowned, confused about what was happening. He returned less than a minute later.
“I brought my pup with me. He’s been eager to watch me pound your little pussy again. Isn’t that true?”
“Yes, Mr. Parker,” Ben confirmed.
“Would you like a taste of her before I begin?”
“I would love to taste her.”
Now my legs were trembling as I held myself over the chair, my ass facing the door. I felt the warmth of Ben’s hands as he moved behind me. They trailed over my backside, down my thighs when he kneeled on the floor.
“He’s got a wicked tongue, don’t you think, princess?”
That wicked tongue took a long swipe between my legs, caressing my clit and my entrance.
“Very wicked,” I confirmed as I moaned.
“Make that pussy come for me, pup. I want her ready to take my cock.”
Ben was relentless in driving me right to the edge. He didn’t hold back, tormenting my clit with precise flicks of his tongue. I cried out as I came, my body trembling. Before I could catch my breath, Justin was behind me, driving his cock inside me in a single, punishing thrust. I gripped the armrests of the chair, pushing back against him.
“Tell me you want my cock, princess.”
“I want your cock. Please fuck me. Oh, God!” I moaned and whimpered as he gave me exactly what I asked for, exactly what I needed.
His hands gripped my hips as he slammed forward, retreated, then slammed into me again. For a second, I wondered if the chair would give way beneath me considering how hard he was driving into me.
“Oh, fuck, princess,” he groaned, his fingers digging into my flesh. “Fuck yes. Squeeze my dick with that tight cunt. Squeeze me.”
My inner muscles locked on to him as the waves of another orgasm churned inside me.
“Beg me for my cum, princess.”
“Please come inside me, Justin. I need to feel you come.”
And when he did, he triggered my release, causing me to cry out his name again and again.
I HAD TO ADMIT THAT working in an office naked was not something I’d ever imagined myself doing. However, the following morning when I arrived, I instantly did as Justin instructed. I removed my boots first, placing them under my desk before discarding my sweater and my skirt, then taking off my bra. I’d been diligent about not wearing panties ever since Ben instructed me not to.
Once I was completely naked, I made quick work of getting the coffee started, then took a seat at my desk. It wasn’t quite so bad when I was sitting down. It shielded most of my private parts. Sure, my breasts were exposed, but that wasn’t too bad. I mean, there were topless beaches and all. Plenty of women walked around without shirts on. Granted, they probably didn’t do it at work. Well, unless they were strippers, but that was a different story altogether.
Still, it took some effort to get used to. I didn’t wander around my apartment naked, so it was definitely a new experience for me. The fact that someone was going to see me…well, that was titillating. I guess that officially made me an exhibitionist?
“Good morning, Luci,” Ben greeted.
My head jerked up in surprise. I hadn’t heard him coming and my nipples instantly hardened as his gaze raked over me approvingly.
“Good morning, sir.”
He opened his office door. “When you get a moment, please bring me some coffee.”
“Yes, sir.”
I waited until he was in his office before I stood. Not like it was really going to matter. I would be naked in front of him in a few minutes, but I was grateful for the extra moment. Then again, my mind drifted back to last week, when I’d been naked and strapped down to Justin’s desk. My pussy gushed with enthusiasm. That day had been a particularly good day.
Couldn’t forget Thanksgiving either. Definitely a holiday for the record books.
And yesterday…mmm. I could go on and on about yesterday.
Once I added the requisite Sweet ’n Low to Ben’s coffee, I carefully picked up the cup and carried it to his office. He was sitting at his desk, so I placed it in front of him.
I was just about to retreat when he said, “Hold on, please.”
He finished reading something on his computer before turning to face me. His smile was slow and sensual. “I do like seeing you naked while you work. Mr. Parker’s going to be disappointed that he missed this.”
I blushed. “Thank you.”
He inched his chair closer, his big hands cupping my breasts gently. He squeezed lightly before leaning in and kissing each of my nipples. “I do like your nipples. Small and pink. They’ll be very pretty with clamps on them.”
My pussy throbbed at the thought, even though I had no experience with nipple clamps. The thought of him using them was quite stimulating.
A soft moan escaped me when Ben leaned in again and sucked my left breast into his mouth, teasing my nipple with his tongue. He then did the same to my right breast before releasing me.
“That’s all for now, Luci,” he said, his attention turning back to his desk. “And thank you for the coffee.”
“You’re welcome, sir.”
I managed to walk out of his office although my legs were trembling. He had teased me and now my body needed a moment to recover.
“Leave the door open, please,” he said.
“Yes, sir.”
I returned to my desk and pulled up the calendar. I briefly scanned to see what was on each of their agendas. Landon and Langston had a conference call at ten and then Landon had another at two. Langston had a lunch meeting with one of his team members at one. Ben had two meetings, one at nine thirty and another at three thirty, both in the front conference room. I was sad to see that Justin would be leaving town at noon and not returning until sometime on Thursday.
After calling to confirm that Justin’s hotel room was taken care of, I ended up taking several calls before Landon and Langston arrived a few minutes before ten. As soon as I hung up, I called Landon’s phone.
“Yes, Luci?”
“Would you like coffee, sir?”
“I would like you to come ask me in person,” he said, then disconnected the call.
I should’ve known they wouldn’t let me get away with staying behind my desk all day. I hesitantly got to my feet, then walked to Landon’s office, well aware of the way Ben watched from his desk. I could also feel the warmth of the sun shining in through the window and I knew my nakedness was highlighted for the men in the building across from us. I didn’t have the nerve to look to see if anyone was watching. I honestly didn’t want to know.
I stopped at Landon’s office door. “Would you like some coffee, sir?”
“I would. Thank you.”
Figuring I could kill two birds with one stone, I walked to Langston’s door. Unfortunately, he was on the phone, so I didn’t interrupt. Instead, I returned to the coffeepot and poured the coffee into a mug, then carried it back to Landon’s office.
As I set the mug on the desk, Landon opened his desk drawer and pulled something out.
“I bought you something,” he said.
My heart fluttered because of the sweet gesture.
He pushed the small box toward me.
I picked it up and admired the gold box with the delicate silver and gold bow. My heartbeat accelerated, the generosity of the action filling me with both comfort and desire. These men had been so good to me since I started and I found that I was looking forward to every second I spent with them.
“Thank you, sir,” I whispered.
“Open it,” he insisted, smiling up at me.
The last time he’d given me a box like this, it had contained a butt plug. I could only imagine what was inside. I hesitated for another minute, staring back at him. The man was ridiculously handsome. Rugged, sexy. The glasses gave him a studious appeal th
at made me hot. It was interesting how those glasses made him and Langston look different, although without them they were identical.
I pulled the lid off the small box and peered inside.
There, nestled in white tissue paper, was a small bullet vibrator. Strange that Landon had bought me a vibrator when Langston had stolen mine.
“Please, have a seat,” Landon said, motioning toward the chair across from him.
I sat on the edge, still admiring the toy. My body had already heated several degrees as I thought about all the things he might want me to do with this toy. He was obviously creative, having turned our relatively innocent text conversation into a full-blown live masturbation show. I still got hot thinking about it.
“Get comfortable, Luci,” Landon said.
As I shifted on the chair, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Langston coming into the room, carrying a cup of coffee.
“Ah. I see you gave her your gift.”
“I did. And now, while we take this call, I want her to demonstrate how she uses it.”
My eyes widened.
“Fantastic idea.” Langston’s heated gaze traveled over me as he perched on the corner of Landon’s desk. “You cleaned it first, I hope.”
“Of course. It’s all ready for her.”
“Sir?” I asked, looking at Landon and waiting for more instruction.
“I want to watch you play with yourself, Luci.” His grin turned wicked. “I’ve decided to make it a hobby of mine. After the other day…”
Oh, yeah. I remembered.
“But you aren’t allowed to come,” Langston noted.
I glanced up to see him smirking. He was obviously enjoying this.
Taking the toy out of the tissue paper, I turned it over in my hand a couple of times. I twisted the end, causing it to come to life. The vibration was subtle, which I was grateful for.
With one hand, I started moving the toy toward my clit, but Landon cleared his throat.
“Spread yourself open for us,” he instructed. “We want an unobstructed view of that pretty pussy.”