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Intrigued Out of the Office (Office Intrigue Duet Book 2)

  Table of Contents
























































  By Nicole Edwards

  The Alluring Indulgence Series




  Holidays with the Walker Brothers





  The Austin Arrows Series

  The Season: RUSH

  The Season: KAUFMAN

  The Bad Boys of Sports Series

  Bad Reputation

  Bad Business (2018)

  The Caine Cousins Series

  Hard to Hold

  Hard to Handle

  The Club Destiny Series












  The Coyote Ridge Series


  Jared (Crossover Novel)

  The Dead Heat Ranch Series

  Boots Optional

  Betting on Grace

  Overnight Love

  Jared (Crossover Novel)

  The Devil’s Bend Series

  Chasing Dreams

  Vanishing Dreams

  The Devil’s Playground Series

  Without Regret

  Without Restraint

  The Office Intrigue Duet

  Office Intrigue

  Intrigued Out of the Office

  The Pier 70 Series





  The Sniper 1 Security Series

  Wait for Morning

  Never Say Never

  The Southern Boy Mafia Series

  Beautifully Brutal

  Beautifully Loyal

  Standalone Novels

  A Million Tiny Pieces

  Inked on Paper

  Writing as Timberlyn Scott




  Naughty Holiday Books



  Book 2


  Nicole Edwards Limited

  PO Box 806

  Hutto, Texas 78634

  Copyright © Nicole Edwards, 2017

  All rights reserved.

  This is a self-published title.

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  Intrigued out of the Office – An Office Intrigue Duet Novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover Image: © Wander Aguiar

  Model: Olivia Korte @ Brisebois Agency

  Cover Background Image: © enki |

  Cover Design: © Nicole Edwards Limited

  Editing: Blue Otter Editing

  ISBN (ebook): 978-1-939786-86-9

  ISBN (print): 978-1-939786-85-2

  Erotic Romance

  Mature Audience





  FOR POSSIBLY THE FIRST TIME in my life, I didn’t like the holidays one fucking bit.

  The thought of not seeing Luci bothered me. Not only the fact that I was thinking about it too much, but also the fact that she would be away from me. I wanted more time with her, not less.

  And, fuck, that bothered me, too.

  By the time we got a table at a nearby restaurant, I was trying to read minds. I could tell by the look on Ben’s face that he knew something that Landon and I didn’t. As much as I wanted to grab him by the collar and insist he tell me what it was, I managed to refrain. I was nothing if not controlled. It was what made me a damn good Dom. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d lost control.

  Okay, that wasn’t true. It was the day I’d come into the office to find Luci at her desk and not naked in my office like I had requested. I’d lost it that day. After I’d spent so much time anticipating having her all to myself, seeing her not where I’d instructed her to be had set me off.

  However, I did at least have the common sense to let some time pass before I had punished her for her transgression. I derived absolutely no pleasure from punishment that wasn’t associated with playing. However, I would dole it out as it was necessary to maintain the balance between a Dom and a submissive.

  “All right,” Justin said after we’d received our drinks. “Go ahead and tell them what Luci told you.”

  I knew it.

  Ben glanced at me and Landon. “I asked what her plans were for the holidays. I got the sense that she was not looking forward to them because she would be spending it alone.”

  “Why would you assume that?” I narrowed my eyes, trying to read him. “What about her parents?”

  “She said they went on a cruise,” Ben explained. “Won’t be back until after the first of the year.”

  “According to Luci,” Landon offered, “she doesn’t spend much time with them anyway.”

  Well, fuck. Why didn’t I know that?

  “And Kristen?” I asked Landon.

  He shrugged. “No idea, but that does explain why she’s hesitant to go home when I tell her to.”

  “She doesn’t want to be alone,” Ben offered, which was the same conclusion I’d drawn.

  “Was anyone planning to spend time with her over the holidays?” Justin asked.

  I glanced at Landon. I hadn’t spoken to him about it, but I had intended to see her. No way could I go two fucking weeks without seeing her. I’d probably go out of my mind.

  And that honestly ha
d nothing to do with the fact that I wouldn’t get sex otherwise. Although I was hesitant to act on my attraction to Luci, that didn’t mean I could ignore her entirely.

  “I was going to call her,” Landon admitted. “I haven’t nailed down anything at this point, but I was going to see her. Or try, anyway. Take her to dinner or something.”

  Justin glanced at Ben, then back to me. “Unfortunately, we’ve got a lot going on. I’m not sure we can see her much until after Christmas.”

  Ben took a sip of his drink before speaking. “I’m willing to change some things around. I’m spending Christmas Eve with my momma, but I’ll be available before and after.”

  As I sipped my drink, an idea came to me. I glanced at my brother and he nodded, as though he had read my mind. Sometimes I thought he could actually do that.

  “Let me call our folks,” Landon told Justin and Ben. “See if they’d be willin’ to do somethin’ different.”

  “Like what?” Justin was obviously curious.

  Fortunately, my brother didn’t show his hand before he was ready to play it. “Give me until tomorrow mornin’. Then we’ll let you know.”

  “As long as someone’s going to take care of Luci,” Ben said firmly. “Otherwise, I’ll shift what I have to. I don’t like the idea of her spending the holidays by herself.”

  I didn’t like the idea either, but if it came down to it, I would rather be the one to spend time with her. Well, Landon and I. That was my possessive streak coming out, though.

  “She won’t be spending them alone,” I assured them.

  No matter what my brother and I came up with, Luci would not be spending the holidays by herself.

  I would make damn sure of that.


  WHEN I WOKE UP ON Friday morning, after getting a solid eight hours of sleep, I felt a little better. I wasn’t ready to face the holidays alone, but I did feel as though I could take it day by day. Apparently, I’d needed a good night’s sleep. It went a long way to lifting my spirits.

  Instead of thinking about my bosses and the fact that I wouldn’t get to see them for two weeks, I decided I would do some last-minute Christmas shopping. I probably could’ve waited until the day after Christmas and gotten everything on sale, but I had procrastinated long enough and I had too much time to kill.

  Rather than shower, I simply pulled my hair up into a ponytail and donned a pair of jeans and an oversized sweater with my Uggs. I didn’t look like a supermodel, but I didn’t look homeless either, so I considered it a win.

  I headed for the mall and fought the crowds in an attempt to find something that my mother might actually use. Seemed no matter what I had bought her over the past few years, she seldom used it, and sometimes, I even found my gift still in the bag, tucked in one of her guest room closets. Jim was easier to buy for because he collected hunting knives, so I had purchased his gift months before, finding the perfect one online. I ended up buying my mother some bath bombs and other goodies from Lush, hoping that she would at least get some use out of them.

  After I’d made the required purchases, I did a little shopping for myself. I ended up buying a tiny fake tree that I could set on my kitchen table, along with a couple of cute little Santa and Mrs. Claus figurines that would brighten up the living room. It wasn’t much, but I was doing my best. Unlike usual, I did not buy any clothes or shoes, although I was tempted. Fortunately for my bank account, there were just too many people to make the trip enjoyable.

  Once I’d escaped the throngs of overzealous procrastinators, I stopped for Chinese takeout, then headed back to my apartment and changed into yoga pants. At that point, I wasn’t really hungry, so I stashed my lunch in the refrigerator and settled in with some popcorn and decided to watch movies to keep my mind off everything.

  It worked for a few hours and I cuddled up in a blanket on the couch, enjoying my alone time. Or, rather, pretending to. It became nearly impossible not to check my phone every twenty minutes to see if someone had texted me although I knew they hadn’t. Finally, I broke down and texted Kristen.

  Luci: Missed you at yoga last night.

  Kristen: Aw. I wish I had been there. We’re at Tim’s parents until Christmas Eve. Then we were planning to go see my dad for a couple of days.

  Luci: Maybe when you get back to town we can hang out. You have plans for New Year’s?

  Kristen: Nothing final. But I’d love to get together. Maybe the three of us can go out on the town.

  I wasn’t fond of being the third wheel, but it sure as hell beat sitting at home by myself.

  Luci: I’d love to do something. Hit me up when you get back.

  Kristen: Will do. And Merry Christmas!

  Luci: Merry Christmas to you!

  And just like that, I was alone once again.


  While I was flipping through channels that afternoon, debating on whether to heat up the Chinese food or come up with something else to fix for an early dinner, there was a knock on my apartment door. I figured it was my neighbor. Mrs. Idlemann was known to make cookies, using them as an excuse to stop by from time to time just to chat, and I figured since I had been holding odd hours, she was curious as to where I’d been.

  Without looking through the peephole, I yanked the door open, ready to cheerfully greet Mrs. Idlemann, when I came face-to-face with…

  My head snapped up and I was peering into intimidating hazel eyes. “Master.” My eyes darted to the other man. “Landon.”

  “Sir,” Landon corrected, a beaming smile on his face. “From here on out, you can call me Sir.”

  Master and Sir? That was going to get interesting.


  They both grinned, and let me just say, the things that those smirks stirred inside me should’ve been illegal.

  “What are you doing here?”

  They didn’t wait to be invited in before they gently nudged me out of the way and stepped inside, closing the door securely behind them. Of course, I wasn’t at all surprised by this because, hey, I had already admitted that I wanted to submit to them. They knew me. This wasn’t exactly a boundary they were pushing.

  I liked it.

  Once inside, Sir made a beeline for my bedroom. I had no idea what he was doing, but I didn’t get the chance to go after him because Master pulled me into his arms and fused his lips to mine.

  Needless to say, I was shocked.

  And definitely not disappointed.

  I moaned into his mouth as his tongue dominantly sought mine. The kiss was rough and sexy and…over way too soon.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, the words said breathlessly as I fought to get air into my lungs. “I thought…I thought I was on holiday until next year.”

  “We’re kidnapping you.”

  He said it so matter-of-factly I actually believed him.

  Now, I’d never had a fantasy like that, but I could admit, the idea sounded deliciously kinky.

  I jumped to my next question. “Where are we going?”

  “That’s a secret.”

  “But what if I don’t want to—”

  Master jerked me to him again, slamming his lips over mine and making me moan. I melted against him, completely pliant, and he likely knew from that move alone that I would do anything he wanted.

  When he was finished plundering my mouth, Master gripped my hair and pulled my head back. The sensual sting shot down my spine, making my pussy clench. I met and held his stare, waiting eagerly for him to tell me what was going on. I was so happy to see them, it didn’t really matter, but I could tell they had a plan.

  “From this point forward, no more questions,” he commanded, staring down into my eyes. “At least not until we get there.”

  I started to speak, but he cocked one dark eyebrow.

  “No questions, pet. You’ll find out everything you need to know when we’re ready to tell you.”

  I grinned. “Yes, Master.”

  His smirk was wicked.

nbsp; Landon—I meant, Sir—stepped into the room and my eyes shot to his as he held up a suitcase. “She’s all packed.”

  “I’d prefer she go without clothes,” Master stated, deadpan.

  “Trust me, she’ll be naked a good amount of the time.”

  Mmm. I never thought I’d enjoy hearing that, but coming from them, it was nice.

  Master released me and I turned to face Sir. He set my suitcase down on the floor, then reached for me.

  “One day,” he said softly. “We didn’t last one whole day.”

  “No, we didn’t.” I was including myself in there because I’d been going crazy without them.

  Sir jerked me into his arms, his lips locking with mine and kissing me as passionately as Master had. I couldn’t resist gripping his shirt in my fist as I moaned, eager for more. I hadn’t realized it was possible to miss someone as much as I’d missed them in such a short amount of time.

  “You trust us, sweet girl?” Sir rasped when he pulled back and looked into my eyes.

  “Of course I do.”

  “Good. Then I suggest you go change. And don’t bother with panties or a bra. They won’t be necessary. And though we’re not in the office, the rules still apply. No pants.”

  I was long past trying to hide the grin that had overtaken my face. “Do I have time to shower?”

  He glanced at his watch. “You have one hour. We have to run an errand, but we’ll be back. I expect you to have the door unlocked and to be kneeling here, waiting for us. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.” My heart swelled and I felt dangerously close to bursting. The thought of submitting to both of them was…more than I ever could’ve hoped for.

  Master turned me toward the bedroom, then swatted my ass, making me yelp.

  I had one hour and I was going to be ready when they returned.

  Ready and waiting.


  I WAS READY AND WAITING a good ten minutes before my hour was up. After they left, I had started the shower water and returned to lock the door so I didn’t have any unexpected guests while I was naked and wet. I then took what might’ve been the fastest shower of my life while still managing to pay special attention to every detail. After drying off, I donned a maroon maxi skirt and a flowy, black, off-the-shoulder sweater and a cute pair of black boots. I went with minimal makeup and left my hair down, letting it dry naturally in long, wavy strands.

  I had even grabbed my coat, then checked my suitcase, tossing in my makeup and my birth control pills before grabbing my phone charger and placing it all near the door, which I then unlocked as Sir had requested.